These are artists who currently endorse Nitewalker Bass Guitar Tube Preamps:

These are artists who currently endorse Nitewalker Bass Guitar Tube Preamps:
A Proven Method to Create Bass Tone Equal to Recording Quality in Real Time - Live and on Stage!
How frustrating is it that every time you plug your bass guitar in and play you aren’t able to find the tone that you were able to create for your recordings in the studio? With this newly patented bass tone electronic circuit you will be able to do just that! The basis for this circuit lies in 1940s technology combined with 1960s and later technology capacitors.
It would be possible to build a preamp of exactly the same make-up as a Nitewalker Bass Guitar Tube Preamp for a total cost, including the cost of this ebook, of around $35.00. With the investment of about one week of work in the basement or home shop this guide will provide you with the ability to sound live just the same as you do on your recordings. Parts can be scrounged and gathered from flea markets, eBay, ham fests, etc., or bought new. Prior knowledge of building electronic devices is not a requirement. This guide will teach you everything! This preamp contains antique electronic components combined with modern electronic components, which means they can't be easily mass produced.
The author of the Nitewalker Preamp Guide and inventor of this circuit is a 1979 Berklee College of Music graduate.
Other bass preamps offer many tone controls and adjustments, but there always seems to be something lacking. You still sound better on your CD than you do live on stage or at rehearsal. This circuit will make it possible to give you studio sound everywhere you perform!
A group or organization need not want for a more powerful and musical bass guitarist for those special occasions. A simple homemade bass preamp of this design, costing little more than the time it takes to make it, can be provided, which will bring all the joy one of the Nitewalker Bass Guitar Tube Preamp prototypes will. After all, "Fun not bought with money" is an excellent recreation maxim, and it applies to small or large venue shows. This CD will provide a basic, rudimentary schematic, so that anyone can build a working, good sounding bass preamp. Connecting a safety ground in the power supply causes many difficulties, therefore in the interest of creating a good learning experience this topic is not included. This type of power supply, which is described in this CD, was used in early tube amplifiers. The Nitewalker Bass Guitar Tube Preamp itself uses a more complicated power supply with a safety ground and other intrinsic safety features.
Complete parts list, schematics, electronics primer, many photos, detailed time saving suggestions and instructions.(PDF and JPEG files)
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